The Strategic Alliance is comprised of exclusive sponsors who generously underwrite the costs of all of our major events including our annual Gala, holiday party, monthly luncheons and happy hours. GLLN provides an exclusive opportunity for our Strategic Alliance Members to sponsor our important projects in exchange for their support of $5,000 each.

The Strategic Alliance helps GLLN foster the growth and progress of our organization. GLLN strongly encourages our members to take the opportunity to share our gratitude by learning about our Strategic Alliance Members and utilize their services.

If your company is interested in supporting GLLN and becoming a Strategic Alliance Member, please contact our President.

Each “Strategic Alliance” member will enjoy the following benefits:

Prominent placement as a “Strategic Alliance Member” on GLLN’s website, with a hot link to your website.

Prominent placement within our multiple monthly e-mail announcements delivered to GLLN’s more than 112 members.

Speaking opportunities at multiple events per quarter attended by members and non-members alike, including, but not limited to each luncheon.

Exclusive, prominent sponsorship at all events, including our two largest, most well-attended events: the 8th Annual GALA and our Holiday party in December. Your company will be showcased on all print and on-line promotional materials (circulated to literally thousands of people!).

Five (5) complimentary premium GLLN attorney memberships for the current year for you to distribute at your discretion to attorneys outside of your company who are not currently GLLN members (a $500 value).

Access to our Google Groups member listserv to easily contact all GLLN members to promote your business and events you host even if unrelated to GLLN.

Four (4) complimentary admission vouchers to GLLN luncheons (a $100 value).

Four (4) VIP tickets to the GALA event (a $400 value).

Right of First Refusal to renew sponsorship for the following year provided that you give notice of your intent to renew on or before the current year contract ending in December.

A One-time per year SAM spotlight article prepared by you about your company but approved and sent out by the Board to all of our members. You are free during the year to send out communications to all of our members about events and products for your company. All of our members have access to utilize the Google group communication tools. We encourage you to use this feature.

In addition, as an Exclusive Strategic Alliance member, you will be invited to jointly develop a quarterly electronic newsletter which, upon approval from our Board, could be distributed to our members.